Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ivy Zhou Wei sexy and attractive Asian babe

First off, let me just say this: If you know or are attracted to a Chinese girl, don't ask her what she wants you to do in order for her to be attracted to you, or ask another Chinese girl about what Chinese girls are attracted to in a man! One reason, the most obvious one, is after you tell her you are attracted to her she may run for the hills (not always the case though). Another reason is some of the things she will tell you just plain 'won't do you any favors'! I will say this though in their favor, you do have a higher chance of some of the things a Chinese girl will tell you will attract her, being true, as opposed to a western girl. Although many Chinese girls will describe their ideal idea of what a man should be, it doesn't mean that will actually attract them(if a guy they are already in love with does that, then yeah, great, they are happy, but they didn't fall in love with him because he did those things).

Zhou Wei Tong Chinese girls supermodels

In short, Chinese girls are Asia's odd ones out because they have retained certain cultural aspects that the other major Asian countries have not. This seriously affects things when dating them.

Many Chinese girls retain a sense of awe around westerners that the women from other Asian countries rarely have. Yet, due to their lack of exposure Chinese females and western males have severe trouble bridging the cultural/relationship gap.

This can lead to all kinds of difficulties that can cause problems for years if it's not dealt with in the beginning!

If you are not looking for long-term relationships with Chinese women then there are still certain cultural nuances you should be paying attention to in order to increase your conversion rate.

1. Almost all Chinese females will choose stability over fun any day (this is not true for Japanese, or Thai girls for that matter).

2. Chinese women can be ultra-pragmatic even in relationships (most other Asian females are not like this).

3. A Chinese female regards a fashionable male as much more desirable than even a western woman would.

4. Many Chinese females cannot enjoy sex until they are taught how to (I can assure you this is not the case with Japanese or Thai females!)

5. A Chinese female on a date acts almost the same as every other Chinese female on a date. It certainly makes things much easier!

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On the dating and P.U.A scene Chinese girls are often lumped together with other Asian girls. This is actually a big mistake, and one that will lead to some serious confusion. Having dated Chinese girls, Japanese girls and Thai girls, not to mention knowing quite a few females from most other major Asian countries, I have to say, Chinese females are exceptionally different!

Why is this the case? Well, whereas most Asian countries have for many years been exposed to a great deal of western thought and culture, China in fact, has not. China is developing at an incredible rate, but the change in culture continues to move at a snails pace.

Bikini Beach Photos of Carla Abellana

Carla Abellana | Bikini Beach Photos
Name: Carla Abellana
Real Name: Carla Angeline Reyes Abellana
Birthdate: 1986-June-12
Current age: 24
Nationality: Filipino
Birthplace: Manila, Philippines
Profession: Actress and Commercial Model
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Bikini Beach Photos of Carla Abellana

Carla Abellana | Bikini Beach Photos
Name: Carla Abellana
Real Name: Carla Angeline Reyes Abellana
Birthdate: 1986-June-12
Current age: 24
Nationality: Filipino
Birthplace: Manila, Philippines
Profession: Actress and Commercial Model
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